You Must Engage If You Want Change
Ever wanted to get involved and do something for sickle cell disease, but perhaps you become a bit skeptical because you feel your voice...
Why You Should Stop Using the Term "Sickler" for Those Living with Sickle Cell Disease
It has always been my belief that whatever one thinks, what he speaks, and believes himself to be; he soon becomes! While we all know...
What Is Sickle Cell Disease?
The term sickle cell disease (SCD) describes a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. People with SCD have abnormal hemoglobin,...
Normal Red Cells and Sickle Red Cells
Overview Cells in tissues need a steady supply of oxygen to work well. Normally, hemoglobin in red blood cells takes up oxygen in the...
What Causes Sickle Cell Disease?
Abnormal hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S, causes sickle cell disease (SCD). The problem in hemoglobin S is caused by a small defect in...